Finding a new date night restaurantFinding a new date night restaurant

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Finding a new date night restaurant

We have a busy life as a married couple, but we still like to have a regular date night once a week. Our favourite restaurant is shutting down, so we are on the hunt for a new date night restaurant. We like to try new and different foods but are pretty flexible as to what type of foods the restaurant serves. We also love great service and it's nice to find a restaurant that treats us as special customers whenever we come in. This blog is all about our search for the perfect date night restaurant and has reviews of some of our favourite new finds.


Two tips for people who want to dine alone at restaurants

Here are two tips for people who want to dine alone at restaurants.

They should consider ordering the tasting menu

One of the challenges of dining alone is that the person doesn't get to share their food with dining companions. As such, if they want to taste more than one of the main courses, they might find themselves stuck with more food than they can finish, as well as an expensive restaurant bill. Because of this, it's a good idea for those who wish to dine alone to book restaurants that offer tasting menus and order these menus instead of standard three-course meals.

This will allow them to try a wide variety of dishes, much like they would if they were dining with a group of friends. However, because the portion size of each item on the tasting menu will be relatively small, they won't end up eating more than they wanted to or having to leave some surplus food behind, nor will they end up spending more than they'd prefer to on this meal.

Furthermore, ordering a tasting menu can make a person's solo restaurant experience more fun, as they'll get to enjoy a more varied and interesting array of dishes than if they'd just opted for a typical three-course meal. This is important, as many people don't dine alone because they think it might be a bit dull, as they'll have no other people around to keep them entertained. Being able to try many different delicious dishes can make a person's solo restaurant visit more engaging and memorable.

They should consider capturing their dining experience and sharing it on social media

Most people nowadays have social media accounts. If a person enjoys sharing aspects of their life online, they should consider capturing some tidbits of their dining experience and sharing them on social media. For example, if they're served some beautifully plated food that has been presented with the utmost care, they might want to snap a few pictures of their meal and share these on their social media account. Likewise, if the restaurant has some gorgeous decor, they might want to take a quick video of the interior.

Whilst many people like doing this when they go out for a special meal, it's generally considered impolite for someone to behave like this when they're in the company of others. This is because a person taking pictures of the food and using a phone can disrupt the flow of conversation and interrupt their companions' dining experiences. However, if a person is dining alone, they don't need to worry about this and so should take full advantage of their freedom to capture all of the small special elements of their restaurant visit.

For more information, contact a restaurant near you.